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Please note that the date of our Annual Meeting has changed.  The meeting will now be held on Wednesday, February 26th at 5:15 p.m. at our Bellwood office.  All members are invited to attend.

Club Accounts

Our My Club Accounts are the perfect way to save for anything you want or need.

Get started saving with your Central Credit Union Of Illinois My Club Account today.

  • Set aside money for the holidays, vacation, property taxes and more!
  • Grow your savings throughout the year
  • Conveniently make deposits through direct deposit
  • Earn dividends that are compounded and paid monthly
  • Enjoy free 24-hour electronic access
  • Feel secure knowing your deposits are federally insured

Take the financial stress out of your holidays with My Club Holiday. Simply contribute to your My Club Holiday Account throughout the year, and your funds will be transferred into one of your credit union accounts at the end of October just in time for holiday shopping. Your My Club Holiday deposits will then begin accumulating for the next holiday season

Need to save for a big purchase? Planning a vacation or just want to save for your next tax bill? Reach your savings goals quickly and easily with a My Club My Way Account. Make regular contributions to your account, and withdraw the funds when you need them. Then use your My Club My Way Account to start saving for your next goal.

Saving is simple with direct deposit. Automatically deposit all or a portion of each paycheck into your Share Savings Account, and then schedule automatic transfers in online banking or mobile banking to make regular contributions to your My Club Account. To sign up, complete a Direct Deposit Information And Authorization Form, and return it to your employer.  Please also complete any additional forms required by your employer to begin this process.

Use our free online banking or mobile banking to conveniently manage your money. With either, you can check balances, verify deposits, transfer funds between accounts and financial institutions and more.  With mobile banking, you can also deposit checks remotely using your mobile device.

Your savings are federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government agency.